Safety Tips for Your New Pool

77871023Are you ready to jump headfirst into your new Tucson pool? Opening a new pool can be exciting, but it’s also important to keep a few tips in mind to ensure your family and friends have a safe experience while swimming. Maintaining a safe swimming environment will prevent many of the most common poolside accidents.

Supervise Children and Pets

It’s essential to supervise children and pets at all times while they are in the pool, even if they know how to swim. When supervising children, don’t talk on the phone, text, or read a book or magazine. It can take only seconds for a child to drown, and it often happens silently. Staying alert and maintaining a clear view of the water at all times will ensure that you will see any problems immediately so you can take action.

Install a Fence

Many areas require that residential pools be surrounded by a fence at least four feet high. Even if your area does not require fencing, installing a fence is a great way to prevent pool accidents. Fencing should be sturdy enough to withstand curious children and pets and incorporate latches that lock or cannot be operated by young children. All gates or doors should be self-closing and latching so they cannot be left open by accident.

Maintain Your Pool

Pool maintenance will not only keep your pool looking its best, it will also keep your pool safe as well. A poorly-maintained pool can present many risks for swimmers, ranging from unstable ladders or handrails to infection-causing bacteria in the water. Scheduling regular professional maintenance for your pool will ensure that any damage or wear is addressed before it can pose a safety hazard for those using the pool.

Blue Knight Pool Services offers comprehensive maintenance, repair, and pool chemical services throughout the Tucson area. Check us out on the web to learn more about what we do and how we can help you maintain your new pool. You can reach us by calling (520) 429-4696 for more information or to schedule service.

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